Knowledge worth sharing with the world

We at Yintelligents strive to give the most transparent and reliable information that we have gathered across the internet so that the readers can save the all hassles and time of having to go through the search engine one by one. With this both readers and us can benefit and strive to success and hopefully build a more meaningful connections amongst the community.

About me

Part time blogger and a full time engineer with a passion towards sharing information and knowledge to the world with hopes that it can bring a change in the community. Every post shared is from my personal and transparent views and does not reflect the actual outcome of the matter. I really hope for some feedbacks from the readers to improve the quality in the future. Happy reading!

man in gray jacket and black backpack standing on green grass field near mountain during daytime
man in gray jacket and black backpack standing on green grass field near mountain during daytime

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“Power comes not from knowledge kept but from knowledge shared”

- Bill Gates

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